illustrated project proposal
Illustrated Project Proposal will comprise. 4 sections.
Monday, 20 July 201
my personal investigation study is to create a visual portfolio based on interacting with shadows. for this i will explore different Photoshop technique as well as manually editing photos using different materials and techniques.
my personal investigation study is to create a visual portfolio based on interacting with shadows. for this i will explore different Photoshop technique as well as manually editing photos using different materials and techniques.
the reason i have chosen shadows is because they are overlooked quite a lot of the time, as they aren't very colourful and are sometimes difficult to notice. this project will give me a chance to experiment with them and use them to create interesting pieces. It will also give me an opportunity to develop my Photoshop skill and try out different techniques for editing and superimposition.
the different aspects i would like to investigate are images of people interacting with shadows, for example, dancing or fighting. creating different shapes using everyday objects that cast a shadow of something completely unexpected. using shadows to hide certain parts of things such as texts or faces. i also want to look at silhouettes on different landscapes of things like buildings or power lines against the horizon. another idea that i would like to explore is placing an object in front of a light and replacing the shadow behind with one of a different object linked with the original. i could do this based on fairy tales, where for example i could use a pumpkin and place a horse and cart behind it. i could also use a playing card such as the queen of hearts and use the shadow of the queen in the background.
Photographer’s research
i have researched different styles of shadow photography and have found some photographers that i would like to use as an influence in my project. i have chosen these photographers because they are relevant to my theme and show different paths that i can investigate.
some photographers that will influence my research are Fred Eerdekens, Russ and Reyn, and Tim Noble and Sue Webster. there is also one photo by Tomas Maly that shows a style of photo manipulation that i would like to experiment with. i chose Erdekens because he uses shadows to reveal a message hidden in a piece of tangled wire. i like the thought of shadows being able to reveal something that has been hidden. this will influence me by showing me a way of using shadows to create an emotional photo that can be simple but effective. i chose Thomas Maly for the same reason. they both create emotional and thought provoking photos, which is something i want to achieve during this project. i chose Russ and Reyn because they have produced photos that are more fun than dark and thought provoking. their photos are more light hearted and fun which will influence me by giving me ideas that don't have to produce a strong emotional response, but are still interesting and fun to look at.
i have researched different styles of shadow photography and have found some photographers that i would like to use as an influence in my project. i have chosen these photographers because they are relevant to my theme and show different paths that i can investigate.
some photographers that will influence my research are Fred Eerdekens, Russ and Reyn, and Tim Noble and Sue Webster. there is also one photo by Tomas Maly that shows a style of photo manipulation that i would like to experiment with. i chose Erdekens because he uses shadows to reveal a message hidden in a piece of tangled wire. i like the thought of shadows being able to reveal something that has been hidden. this will influence me by showing me a way of using shadows to create an emotional photo that can be simple but effective. i chose Thomas Maly for the same reason. they both create emotional and thought provoking photos, which is something i want to achieve during this project. i chose Russ and Reyn because they have produced photos that are more fun than dark and thought provoking. their photos are more light hearted and fun which will influence me by giving me ideas that don't have to produce a strong emotional response, but are still interesting and fun to look at.
Fred Eerdekens
this is a photo of a piece of wire that had been bent in a way that displays a message when a light is shone at the right angle. the message says 'after all this time i realised i never saw the brokenness in everyday life. this was probably created using a pair of pliers to bend the wire into shape. then it looks like there are two light sources above the wire which cast the shadow and reveal the message. the message behind this image is quite deep and sad, it sounds as though its from the view point of someone who has experienced a lot of pain or bad luck in life. overall i like this image because of how you need light to reveal an emotional image.
Tim Noble and Sue Webster
This image shows a pile of rubbish that, when a light is shone at the correct angle, reveals two people sat facing away from each other. one with their head on their hand and the other hunched over. a viewer may interpret this image as two people that may have loved each other once but now have lost that closeness and are drifting apart. they could be described as a married couple on the verge of divorce, or a coupe of friends that may have fallen out and don't want to look at each other. this provokes an emotional response from the viewer and paints a picture of how love and affection can be easily lost.i chose this image because one aspect of shadows i am interested in, is telling an emotional story, which had been done here, but in a unique and creative way.
this image shows a sculpture made of what looks like trash, that casts a shadow of two people resting their heads against each other. the position of their heads looks as though they are exasperated or in some kind of emotional despair. the way that they are facing away from each other but still touching could suggest that they are angry with each other but don't want to be apart. this could further be interpreted as them being at the end of a relationship but struggling to let go completely of one another. i chose this image because i think that a lot of people have been in a situation like this and this piece can provoke an emotional response from the viewer based on their past/current experience.
in regards to how this was made, it looks like a bright studio light was used to cast the shadow during construction and when displaying the final piece.
Russ and Reyn
this image is of a woman who looks as though she is trying to fight off or get away from a giant shadow hand that is looming over her. this was most probably done by holding the hand close to the light source so that it appears much larger than it actually is in the shadow. the hand in this photo could represent many different things, such as a physical embodiment of a fear she has or something she is worried about that she feels is following her and is out to get her. furthermore, this could could represent modern patriarchy or unrealistic beauty standards. she could also just be actually running from a giant which is a sightly comedic way of looking at it. i chose this image because it shows how you can give the impression of someone interacting with a shadow even though it isn't a physical object that you can touch or move.
this image shows a huge shadow hand picking up a woman by the collar of her shirt. her body language looks as though she has gone limp, like when you scruff a cat. the hand is only using two fingers to lift the woman. this could be to show how strong it is compared the the woman. there are a number of things that the hand could represent, such as the oppression of women. the woman also looks quite thin which could represent beauty standards, and her body language could show acceptance of how women are perceived in today's media. alternatively, this could just be a comical image of a woman being picked up by a giant hand.
in regards to the production of this image, it looks like they have used a bright light for the shadow and have held the hand close to the light to make it appear bigger as a shadow.
Tomas Maly
i chose this photo because when i saw it, it caught my attention and gave me a clear idea of a route i want to take with this project. this photo shows a knight chess piece that is casting a shadow of a horse with wings. to me this shadow represents what the piece stands for. a knight is used as a line of defence against the opposing player and is defending the king. the connotations of this chess piece are strength and loyalty. this is shown in the way the shadow horse is rearing up as if it was attacking. i like this photo because it uses shadows to reveal what the piece represents in a dramatic way.
techniques i would like to use in this project are superimposing shadows into photographs, computer experiments, manipulating light sources and angles to create different effects with light, i would also like to experiment with different objects to cast shadows. these could be things like pieces of rubbish, or shapes cut out of card. another technique i would like to explore is physically manipulating photos by cutting shapes out or adding pieces of other images to create an interesting outcome.
techniques i would like to use in this project are superimposing shadows into photographs, computer experiments, manipulating light sources and angles to create different effects with light, i would also like to experiment with different objects to cast shadows. these could be things like pieces of rubbish, or shapes cut out of card. another technique i would like to explore is physically manipulating photos by cutting shapes out or adding pieces of other images to create an interesting outcome.
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